Canadians and Americans may be the closest of neighbours (or should I say neighbors?) but when it comes to the highly subjective issues of politics, religion and sex, these two allies are often miles apart in terms of both policy and practice. If you’ve ever wondered how your sex life stacks up against our southern friends’, read on for the (sometimes) cold, hard truth.
[size=14]Everything I’m about to write must be prefaced by one caveat: falling in love is out of your control. That includes when it will happen, where...
In Episode 3, we get a flashback to the Dr. Masters' early years as a physician, with some insight into his character. We also meet VIrginia's sleazy ex-husband, who talks himself back into her bed. We also learn that it's her ability to communicate in bed that makes Virginia Johnson such a great lover. Which, as sexologist, Dr. Jess says is key to any successful intimate relationships: Tell your lover what you want!
“When I was younger, I thought I was just immature or a bit behind the rest of my friends, because I had no interest in boys. In my late teens, I started to wonder if I was a lesbian, but I had no sexual interest in girls either. In college, I took part in a few make-out sessions to test the waters, but they were about as exciting as brushing my teeth.
Did you grow up in a family that gives passionate, long hugs every night before bedtime? Or was affection restricted to a peck on the cheek on special occasions? Do your partner’s parents give enthusiastic, sloppy kisses or do they seem to avoid physical contact altogether? Whatever your upbringing, it is likely that your expectations with regard to touch, affection and sex differ from those...
[size=14]Sex is fun. Lack of sex is a whole lot of not-fun — we’ve known that forever. And while many scientific studies have proven that an active sex life can make you healthier, evidence suggests that it can make you prettier, too. If you're regularly knocking boots, great for you. If you’re not, sorry for kicking...
energetic and looking to get a leg up on that career ladder. Being thrown together for long hours with like-minded people -- and really, if you’re working 9-, 10-, 12-hour days, it’s hardly surprising when cross-cubicle romances spring up. Depending on the survey you read, it’s estimated that between 38 and 59 per cent of people have gotten involved with a coworker at one time or another. “With...
I started because I was underemployed and underpaid. I needed fast money. I wanted my own apartment. I was having a lot of sex anyway. I started because I am drawn to the taboo. I wasableto start because I was in active addiction, mixing alcohol and prescription drugs to numb out...
A new study suggests that there are several types of orgasm and that clitoral orgasms are, in fact, different from vaginal ones. French researchers used sonography...
[size=14]He asked me to stand in front and take off my clothes for him. We’d been sitting on the bed while I tried to make small talk. He was not very interested....
Et votre Guru termine cette journée avec une autre percée de la médecine : pour la première fois chez l’humain, des neuroscientifiques ont pénétré la barrière tenace qui protège le cerveau des toxines dans le sang. Cette prouesse...
Quand le réalisateur, producteur et scénariste britannique, Christopher Nolan (Batman trilogie entre autres), a demandé à un physicien théoricien de mettre en forme les effets de son nouveau film,
Tout le monde sait que Star Wars est truffé de scènes qui défient les lois de la physique. On peut trouver parmi ces bijoux les rayons laser tirés notamment par le fidèle "blaster" de Han Solo ou le X-wing de Luke. Mais, contrairement à ce qui...
En France, on sait profiter des longs week-ends à jour fériés pour se mettre au vert, beaucoup de citadins fuient l’environnement urbain pour aller à la plage et à la campagne. Et cette analyse de l’emplacement...
Pour la première fois, des astronomes ont détecté une banderole de gaz circulant depuis un grand disque externe de matière, formant les planètes, vers un plus petit disque interne d’un système d’étoile binaire
Notre Internet dispose d’une infrastructure physique : des milliers de kilomètres de câbles qui sillonnent les océans. L’internet quantique, quand il existera, sera également doté d’une...
Récemment, alors que la sonde [url= %28sonde spatiale%29]Cassini[/url] de la NASA passait à proximité de la plus grande lune de Saturne, elle a saisi cette image (clic pour agrandir) de la lumière du soleil se reflétant sur la mer d’hydrocarbures de
Des scientifiques ont cultivé un estomac miniature à partir decellules soucheshumaines. Vu sa taille, il n’est pas destiné à être implanté chez l’homme, mais à servir de cobaye. Pas plus gros...