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  Nov 04 Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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المشرف العام
هشام مزيان

التوقيع :  Nov 04 Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea Democracy

عدد الرسائل : 1749

الموقع : في قلب كل الاحبة
تعاليق : للعقل منهج واحد هو التعايش
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/02/2009
وســــــــــام النشــــــــــــــاط : 25

 Nov 04 Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea Empty
مُساهمة Nov 04 Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea

Nov 04

Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea


Chinese provocations in the South China Sea have garnered a great deal of international attention over the last 18 months, as has the Obama Administration’s response. What are America’s interests in the South China Sea, and how do they conflict with China’s? Why does it matter? Are American interests and ASEAN’s the same? How does the U.S. work with its allies to serve their common interests? Is there a constructive way forward with China on this issue or are we destined for impasse? Please, join us as we discuss these questions and others with a panel of experts uniquely qualified to provide answers.
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Nov 04 Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea :: تعاليق

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Nov 04 Safeguarding America's Interests in the South China Sea

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** متابعات ثقافية متميزة ** Blogs al ssadh :: استـــراجيــات متحـــــــــــــــولة يشاهده 478زائر-
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